Things I'm Loving Right Now

22 Years

September 18, 2018

Hey hey hey cuties, welcome back to my blog!  When my birthday rolls around each year, I used to do a blog post showing what I got for my birthday but for the past couple years, I’ve been doing more of a gratitude post so that’s what I’m going to share with you in this post.  Today, I chose to write about a few things, big and small, that I value and am grateful for on a day-to-day basis.  Let’s get started!

  1. Sunshine.  Over the past few years, I’ve really noticed how much energy – specifically creative energy – I get from natural light.  The sun doesn’t have to be brilliantly shining outside but if I can at least see the sun poking out from the clouds enough for the light to fill up my apartment, I’m a happy camper!
  2. Sleep.  Recently, I’ve really noticed how much I value sleep.  I don’t need to get a crazy amount of sleep to be satisfied but sleeping really effects my mood and how I feel physically.  In college, there were many times where I had to either choose sleep or studying and most of the time, I chose sleep because, without sleep, the next day would be a total wash.  Is anyone else like this?  I envy you if you can function with one hour of sleep!
  3. A tidy home.  Living in a clean and tidy apartment/house is something I’ve always needed.  No matter what I have to get done in my day, I always clean first because it allows me to clear my head.  Once I have everything cleaned up and in it’s place, I can fully focus on everything else I have to do.

If you’d like to check out my previous birthday blog posts, click here for last year’s and click here for the year before that.  Please leave a comment below sharing something you’re grateful for – whether it be something big or small!  Thanks for reading and, as always, I’ll see you back here next Tuesday for another brand new post.  Have a great week!

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