Things I'm Loving Right Now

21 Years

September 19, 2017

Hi everyone and happy, happy Tuesday!  Today’s post is a little bit special because I turned 21 last week!  Woohoo!  I can’t believe I’m already 21 – this past year flew by!  Instead of doing a traditional “what I got for my birthday post,” I’m going to be sharing 21 things I love about my life right now!  I’m sure you’ve all noticed that the world has been extra negative lately so I want to bring some light to it.  Let’s get started!

It’s finally Fall!  Fall is definitely my favorite season, so I’m so excited!  I love the cooler weather (a.k.a. not having to sweat a ton while walking to class) and cooler weather means sweaters and boots and those are two of my favorite things!

I love that the USA was able to come together to support the Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma victims.  Hurricane Harvey was incredibly devastating to the Houston, Texas area and, as bad as the disaster was, it was really heartwarming to see how the rest of the country was able to come together to support the victims.

JMU rocks!  As I’ve mentioned in a few other posts, I’m a student at James Madison University and I love it here!  The campus is just beautiful and the people are so, so nice.  I definitely chose the right school for me!

Sorority rush is a really fun process.  At JMU, I’m in a sorority called Sigma Alpha Omega and our recruitment was last week!  We’re in the process of getting a ton of new girls and it’s so exciting, especially because this is my last semester as an active sister.

Sunsets are incredible.  I’ve always loved sunsets, but I feel like the summer and the fall are the best time to watch them!  One of my bucket list items for this semester is to watch as many as I can.

Designated Survivor comes back on soon.  I love this show!  I started watching it last year and it’s so good!  It leaves you wishing you could watch all the episodes at once.  I recommend watching if you’re free on Wednesday nights!

So does Scandal!  Scandal is one of my favorites too – it’s so addicting!  I started watching years and years ago and, unfortunately, I think this is the last season so I’ll definitely be tuning in every week.

I got cute new curtains!  At school, I haven’t bought curtains to put up in my bedroom because I didn’t want to put big nails in the wall to hold them up, but this year too much sunlight was coming in my windows so I had to.  I got white, “black-out” ones from Target and they’re cute and such good quality!  They were only about $20 too!

IHOP is open 24/7.  I never go to IHOP except for when I’m at school and I don’t know why that is because it’s such a good weekend treat!  My boyfriend and I are long-distance and we always go to IHOP when he visits so I’ve learned to equate IHOP with my cute man and the weekend, so two very awesome things!

I found a cool new photo app called Planoly!  I learned about this app just recently and it’s a life-saver for social media fiends!  You can plan out what photos you’re going to post so your feed looks aesthetically pleasing and you can also schedule posts to go up for free.  That’s my favorite feature!

Connect 4 is my new favorite game.  On vacation this summer, my family and I played a lot of Connect 4 and now it’s one of my favorite things!  It’s so simple and seems like such an elementary school game but I love it!

I’m going to New York City next month for a cool, secret project!  In about a month, I’m heading to the big city to shoot a super cool project.  Any guesses what I’m doing?

I just got the coolest light box!  I went to Michael’s the other day and I found a really inexpensive light box to set up in my room.  I’ve been seeing these everywhere so I was excited to get one of my own!

My family is amazing!  As much as I love coming back to school in the Fall, it’s always a little bit sad because I have to leave my family.  They’re so supportive and encouraging and I love them so much!

I have a winter road-trip planned.  I am in the planning phases of booking a big road trip this winter to a few major southern cities.  Recommendations are accepted and appreciated!  Please leave them in the comments!

My classes are easy!  I’m planning to do a more in-depth post in the upcoming weeks on the best classes to take at JMU and that post will feature a lot of the classes I’m taking this semester!  Most of them are fun and easy and exactly the classes you want to be taking during your last semester of college.

I’m going to hike Old Rag with my boyfriend.  Hiking Old Rag is something my boyfriend and I have been wanting to do for a few years now and we’re finally getting around to it!  Would you be interested in seeing a post about our experience?

My planner saves my life.  Every Fall, I’m reminded of what a lifesaver my planner is.  With classes and clubs starting back up again and meeting with people everyday for coffee or lunch, it’s hard to keep up with all your responsibilities!

I’m graduating in December!  I think I’ve mentioned this in a few posts but in case you missed it, I’m graduating in a couple months!  I can’t believe I’ve already been at JMU for almost four years.  It’s crazy how many cool experiences I’ve had since starting college and it’s so sad that it’s almost over.  Let me know if you’d like to see any college-related posts throughout the next few months!

Christmas is coming!  Ahhh!  I love Christmas!  What are you asking for this year?

God is good.  I wanted to finish with this one because, especially with the world we live in today, it’s important to understand that everything happens for a reason and that reason is good.  We might not always understand why things happen but being okay with not knowing everything is what having faith is all about.

And that’s a wrap!  I hope this post brought a little light and excitement into your day!  Have a great rest of your week!

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