Things I'm Loving Right Now

My Bachelor Finale REACTION: Arie’s Season

March 9, 2018

Hi Bachelor-loving cuties and welcome to my second Bachelor recap!  I’ve been watching the Bachelor and the Bachelorette for years and years now but I only started writing about it last season.  If you want to hear my thoughts on Rachel’s season, click here!  As I said in my previous Bachelor post, I know that the show is a little bit silly and I don’t really agree with their process of finding love but I can’t stop watching it!  All the drama is so funny to me and every season, the girls get nicer and nicer and you can tell they form real friendships with each other so it’s a good guilty pleasure watch for me.

Let me start by saying it was a little bit of a struggle to even get myself in front of a TV to watch all of Arie’s season.  As you might know, I moved into my own apartment in the beginning of January and, while I have a TV, I haven’t set up cable yet.  So every Monday at 8pm, I had to find somewhere to watch the Bachelor.  I am clearly a dedicated viewer!  All in all, I didn’t miss any episodes and I thoroughly enjoyed watching.  I thought they chose a really, really great group of women for Arie and they kicked off the dramatic ones early on, which was very relieving!

Moving onto my thoughts about Arie, I liked him in the beginning!  I thought he was mature, down-to-Earth, and ready to take on the process.  I thought with him being a bit older than the usual Bachelor and being removed from the Bachelor spotlight for a few years, he might have a different perspective than someone coming right out of the process of being on the Bachelorette.  These positive thoughts lasted all the way until the finale and now I’m not his biggest fan.  Although I do agree with him following his heart and choosing the one he sees a real future with (come on, we alllllll could tell he was gonna choose Lauren from the beginning), I don’t agree with the way he broke it off with Becca.  Breaking up with someone should be private and not only did he do it publicly, he did it for the whole country to see.  I can’t imagine how humiliating and hurtful that was for her and I’m glad she stayed so strong when she had the chance to talk to him about it on the live show.

I’m so excited for Becca to be the new Bachelorette!  I think she’s perfect for the role and I can’t wait to see the places she’ll travel to with the men.  That’s one of my favorite things about the Bachelor.  Every season, they go to such cool places that I’ve never thought about going to myself and I love to live through them when they have adventures in new cities.  If you have any ideas as to where you think they’ll go, leave them in the comments below!  I’m thinking South Africa?  We’ll see!

That’s all for this week’s post.  If you enjoyed it, check out my Instagram for a sneak peek as to what I’ll be writing about next time!  Have a great weekend!

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