Things I'm Loving Right Now

What’s On My iPhone

August 30, 2016

Hi!  Welcome back to Allison In Wonderland!  I am so excited to be doing a “What’s On My iPhone” post, I think it’s gonna be fun and different than the posts I usually do!  Let’s get started!

IMG_0218To begin, my lock screen is a photo that I’ve kept on there for a while.  It’s a nice little reminder to be able to see whenever I go on my phone.  It says, “May we look most like Jesus when the world needs Him most.”  I came across this print on Pinterest so I’m sure you’d be able to find it on there if you did a little digging!

Moving on, I’m going to go through my favorite apps that I couldn’t live without!  When I unlock my phone, the first page is full of all my social media.  I love, love, love Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest and I also just discovered that WordPress has an app!  It’s so convenient, I highly recommend getting it if you are a blog junkie like I am! 🙂

My second page is filled with the apps that come with your iPhone like the Calculator and Notes and such.  This is also the place where I keep my school email app and my GroupMe app.  GroupMe is an app that’s so great for college students!  It allows you to have a huge group message but makes it a lot easier for those without iPhones because all the messages can be on one message thread.  Another thing I store here is the one and only game I have on my iPhone!  I’m not a huge fan of playing games on my phone, I never have been.  But this summer, I found one that I just had to get; it’s called Panda Pop!  Basically, you shoot colored bubbles up into the air to pop other bubbles, but there’s little panda babies in them that you have to save.  It’s a very mindless game, but it’s nice for when you need a mental break!  Since this is the only one I keep on my phone, I’m open to any and all suggestions of any others I should get!

The third page of my apps is where it finally gets interesting!  This is where I keep all my photography editing apps.  I have about 10 on here, but I’m going to go through my two favorites!  The one I use to edit all my photos is VSCO.  I’ve been using VSCO since I graduated high school and I will probably use it forever!  No matter what look or Instagram theme you’re going for, VSCO can help you get there!  I definitely recommend this photo editing app over all others I’ve come across.  My second favorite app is called UNUM.  I found this one about a month or two ago and it’s so, so convenient.  All you have to do is log in using your Instagram log in info and it loads your feed into the UNUM grid.  From there, they give you about 20 open slots above where your feed starts so you can lay out and plan your future posts!  This makes it so much easier to create a feed that goes together and saves you from having to delete photos if they don’t look right next to each other.

That is the third and final page of the apps I have on my iPhone, I hope I was able to give you some fun ideas for new ones to try!  Let me know in the comments if you have any apps that you love or think would be helpful!  Have a great rest of your day and be sure to come back next Tuesday for a brand new fashion post!

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  • Cheryl August 31, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    Another great blog! I look forward to it every week!