How To

How To: Be a Morning Person

September 11, 2018

Hi everyone, happy Tuesday!  Today’s post is going to be all about how to become a morning person.  In the summer, it’s really easy for me to get up early because the sun it out.  But now that we’re moving into fall and it’s harder to wake up because the sun is rising later in the day, I have some tips and tricks to get you out of bed earlier.  Let’s get started!

The first thing I would recommend is going to sleep earlier.  I always feel better when I’ve had a full eight hours or so of sleep and when you go to sleep earlier, you can get your eight hours in without sleeping half the day away.  Once you’ve adjusted your sleeping schedule, it will feel more and more normal to be getting up earlier!

My next tip is to find your morning routine.  Whether it’s taking your coffee and sitting on the porch or going for a run, having a set schedule is always nice!  I find that I’m most productive in the morning, so getting things like cleaning and organizing taken care of first thing allows me to have a more relaxed evening.

My last tip is to allow light to come in your windows.  Don’t block it with blinds or curtains!  Even though the sun is starting to rise later, once it does start coming up, it will help you wake up naturally.  If you have a house or apartment that has a few different rooms, choose the room that has the most morning light to be your bedroom.  Personally, I know I’d much rather wake up from the sunlight than from an alarm.

That’s all for this week’s post, I hope you enjoyed!  Who else is excited for Fall?  It’s my favorite season!  See ya next week!

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