
Beauty Babbles: LUSH + November Desktop Wallpapers

November 1, 2016

Hey guys and happy November!  Welcome to the first post in my new series; Beauty Babbles!  I’ve been wanting to dive more into the beauty part of my blog and I can’t wait to hear what you guys think!

In today’s post, I’m going to be focusing on the brand Lush!  I’ve been a Lush fan for a long time now and they’re always coming out with new products, so today, I’m going to share a little bit about a few of my favorites!

As you can see in the photo above, the products I’m going to be zoning in on are the Mask of Magnaminty Face and Body Mask and the Popcorn Lip Scrub.  The Popcorn Lip Scrub is actually a product that’s a repurchase for me!  I first bought it about two years ago and loved it so much that I bought it again at the end of the summer!  This is truly a product that you’ll want all throughout the year.  It’s perfect for when your lips are chapped in the winter AND for when your lips are burnt in the summer!  Not that you would ever wish for either of those things to happen to you, but when it does, it’s nice to be able to treat it with a nice, yummy-scented exfoliant that gives soft, smooth lips!  Before buying this product, I’d never had a lip exfoliator and now I’ll never go back; especially since it’s under $10!  I’d say I use it about once a week and that’s all you need!

Moving on to the next product, the Magnaminty Face and Body Mask is my favorite face mask I’ve ever used!  Made up of china clay and peppermint oil, it really gets deep down into your pores and leaves you with such clean skin!  You also get a nice, cool sensation on your skin while using it, due to the peppermint oil in the ingredients.  Another reason I love it is because of how easy it is to take off!  I’ve tried other face masks where no matter how much water I splash onto my face, it won’t soften up again and then you feel like you’re damaging your skin trying to scratch the mask off with your nails!  This one isn’t like that AT ALL.  As soon as you wet it again, it comes right off and you’re left with squeaky clean skin!

That’s all for the Lush products I’m using right now, but I’m sure I’ll be getting more soon, especially with the holidays right around the corner! 🙂  To round out this post, I’ve collaborated with Candidly Keri to bring you a few beautiful November desktop wallpapers!  Keri has made 4 exclusive ones just for us!  Two of them incorporate my favorite verse, Matthew 28:20, and the other two are super cute and festive November calendar wallpapers.  I will definitely be using these this month and I’d love it if you did too!





Let me know if you have any Lush favorites and if you’d like to see a post on them.  Also, be sure to check out Keri’s blog if you’re interested; it’s super cool!  Have a great week!

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