Beauty Fashion

Autumn Makeup Must: A Bold Lip

October 4, 2016

Hello everyone, welcome back to Allison In Wonderland!  I’m so excited to share today’s post with you all!  Today, I’m going to be doing one of my first Fall-themed posts and it’s going to be about one of my absolute favorite trends: a bold lip.  A bold lip has always been something I’ve wanted to get into but never had the guts to do; but this year is going to be the year.  After finding a shade that I loved from a company called Lime Crime, I knew it was time to take the plunge!


The shade that I purchased is called Saint and it’s the perfect shade for Fall.  I’m pretty fair skinned, so it stands out against my skin-tone, but I think it would really hold it’s own against any.  It’s also the perfect shade to accompany a cute, Fall outfit!  With it being the color it is, you can easily pair it with neutrals such a black or white, or it could also be paired more seasonal colors like burgundy or forrest green!  It’s so pretty that I really couldn’t imagine a situation where it would look bad!

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Just to add on to how much I’m loving this product, the packaging was extremely cute as well, coming in a little red box.  Before getting this product, I had never used a liquid lipstick before and was a little nervous when I went to apply it for the first time.  The application was super easy and it’s a good thing it was because I don’t have a lip liner in this shade to keep it all together!  It’s very pigmented, so I only needed one swipe across and I already had the color in the image above!  I was quite happy with that because sometimes you don’t always get the color that’s advertised on the package.  It actually dried relatively quickly too, so I didn’t have any problems with it smudging after I was done putting it on.



I’m so excited I have a go-to bold lip color to use now!  If you want to learn more about this brand, head over to Lime Crime’s Tumblr page. They’re vegan and cruelty free so you won’t have any guilt about your purchase!  I love to hear from you guys so be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments if you have another great Fall shade that I should check out.  Thanks for reading and see ya next week!

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  • mynovemberblog October 4, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    This is such a nice colour.