How To

How To: Style Boyfriend Jeans

September 27, 2016

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog!  Today, I’m going to give you a little guide of how to style boyfriend jeans!  This trend has been around for a little while now and I still love it just as much as I did at the beginning!  Keep reading to get my tips and tricks to mastering this look! 🙂

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To start off, the jeans that I’m wearing are from American Eagle and, let me tell you, fit amazingly well.  It took me quite a long time to find a pair that fit the way I wanted them to and now that I have, I’m never looking back!  I did go a size down, however, so they aren’t as baggy as American Eagle intended them to be, but I like the fitted look better on my body type.

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The first item I like to pair boyfriend jeans with is any pair of Converse sneakers.  It doesn’t matter if they’re low-tops or high-tops!  I think this look is so effortless and carefree and it allows you to look like you didn’t try too hard when choosing your outfit!  I chose my white pair of Converse to create a beachy, summertime outfit and I think it looks super cute!

The next item I am always pairing my jeans with is a big, cozy sweater.  I like to call this outfit my bonfire look because this is an outfit that is quickly and easily thrown together and is perfect for chilly summer nights.  If you keep a tank on under it, it’s perfect to be able to keep it on or take it off depending on your mood/temperature!  It’s also a convenient outfit if your boyfriend happens gives you his sweatshirt to wear! 🙂

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Those are my two favorite ways to style boyfriend jeans, I hope you enjoyed!  If you try any of these out, let me know in the comments.  Thanks for reading and see you next week!

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