
A Saturday Spent in Washington, D.C.

July 19, 2016

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Allison in Wonderland!  This past weekend, I headed back to Washington, D.C. for the day and I can’t wait to tell you all about it, so let’s jump right into it!

FullSizeRenderThe reason I visited was a little bit of a two-fold.  My boyfriend and I had never double dated, so we (mainly me) were dying to finally do that, and it just so happened that the “Together 2016” Christian event was happening on the very same weekend!  Starting off the day, we met up with my friend and her boyfriend and headed into the concert, which was held in the grassy area surrounding the Washington Monument (a very cool location).  The line to get in was incredibly long but it was a free event (so we couldn’t complain) and it was so cool to see how many believers were gathered in one place!  I heard a man say that this event was a small glimpse of what Heaven’s gonna be like and that’s so true!  The event was set up in time frames of praying together, learning together, sharing together, loving together, and resetting together.  This was nice because it made it easy to also take some time to explore the rest of D.C. but still be at the concert for whichever portions were most important to you.  The concert was supposed to go from 9-9 but unfortunately ended up shutting down around 5 due to the heat.  There were a lot of people being taken out in ambulances because of heat exhaustion so the authorities had to make the decision that would keep everyone safe.  Overall, it was a wonderful, wonderful event and just so incredible that something like this was allowed to take place in our nation’s capital.

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Between going in and out of the concert, we targeted some indoor activities because it was almost 100 degrees outside and we were having a hard time staying out there for long.  We headed to the White House before checking out some museums because I had never seen it in person!  I live so close to D.C. and have been there many times, but somehow had never made the time to actually go and see it.  It wasn’t a far walk from the Washington Monument and was well worth taking a little walk out of our way.  After this, we headed to the Museum of Natural History and continued our day of fun from there!

My day in D.C. this weekend was so unlike any other time I’ve visited this city, it just keeps getting better every time!  I’m sure I’ll be headed back again soon, so please leave suggestions in the comments of places to go, especially food places!  I always end up going to the same locations and want to keep discovering what more Washington, D.C. has to offer.  Thanks for reading and I’ll talk to you next week!



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